End of our Vegan Fast and our car got stolen on our cross country trip home

Hi Everyone! This is going to be a short blog posting. Travis and I had our car stolen a few days ago, from Oakland, CA. To make the long story short, over $15,000 of our things were in the car (we are moving back home to VA).   My violin, all of my jewelry, all of our winter clothes, all of the shoes we own (except the sneakers we had on our feet) and so on and so forth. You can only imagine how stressful it has been. Thank goodness we have a great insurance company and we are hoping to get back the money’s worth of things stolen from us. They found the car, but everything was out of it. Come to find out, a crack-addict stole it and sold everything for crack. Then he smoked the crack in the car and also peed all over everything. Violated doesn’t even begin to express how we feel. We feel very blessed to have our health, each other, and our loving family to go home to, but it has been stressful. God has a reason for all of this and we realize that. Counting our blessings is one of the top priorities on our list everyday.

Yesterday was the last day of our 30 day Vegan fast and I must say, WE FEEL GREAT! I have committed to not eating dairy again and also no meat at all, except maybe an occasional fish here and there (like a few times a month). I feel the best I have ever felt! Vegan food is by far the most tastiest food in the world. As far as Travis goes, he is not making any promises he says, but he won’t eat dairy, meat (other than seafood), and we plan to eat all organic and non-processed foods. Eating clean is the way to go! “Eat to Live, Don’t Live to Eat”

Sorry the blog is so short, I just have a lot to do. Itemizing everything and getting everything ready to hit the road tomorrow (in our rental car) is keeping me busy! Hope everyone is doing well 🙂 Travis will make sure to blog about Big Sur and San Fran with tons of pictures to come! Cheers!